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The Delightful “Just Breathe” Tattoo



just breathe tattoo cover

Are you looking for a tattoo that centers you? The one that calms you amidst the hustle and bustle of this stressful world? We have a bunch of “just breathe” tattoo ideas for you to have fun with.

We know that life can be overwhelming sometimes. Given the current political and economic condition of the world, it is no surprise that many of us find it difficult to relax and get off the edge once in a while.

In those moments a gentle reminder to just take a deep breath can make a huge difference, allowing us to become centered and not spiral out of control.

The “Just Breathe” Tattoo

There is a reason why so many people choose to tattoo the phrase “Just Breathe” on themselves. They are a consistent reminder that everything will turn out to be okay and to just buckle down and weather the storm.

The Fonts

The trickiest part of a “just breathe” tattoo is choosing the font you want to use in your design. While there are thousands of great fonts to choose from, you want to use the one that speaks to you. Since the tattoo carries a deep meaning for many of us and it will be etched on our skin forever, we want to get something that works for US. Tattoos that serve as a reminder of something are tricky. You want to make sure they are meaningful and impactful at the same time.

Choosing the form of your text tattoo can probably be the longest for many of us. As frustrating as that can be it can be incredibly exciting once you have chosen your font. Even though your first instinct might probably be to hasten to choose your font always keep in mind that you will be looking at this tattoo multiple times a day, and the significance it holds for you.

Moreover, you want to map out the tattoo as well. For example, are you going for an all-text sort of design, or maybe you want to add a picture in the mix? Do you want the tattoo to be small or do you want it to be life-size? It all comes down to picking a tattoo that will have the strongest impact on you.

Remember to know and understand your threshold of pain. As symbolic and significant as the “just breathe” tattoo can be it should not come at the cost of your discomfort. We do not want to attach the element of agony to the tattoo even in memory.

However, to help you a little bit with your decision we have compiled a short list of ideas and designs that you can use to inspire the next “just breathe” tattoo.

A Block Letter Tattoo

Let’s start slow and with the basics. You can never go wrong with a minimalistic, block-letter tattoo. You can opt for a block letter font to tattoo the word “Breathe” circling your wrist. This is a classic style of inking the tattoo as it represents the serenity you are so desperately searching for in the moment.

Cursive Font with a Feather

One of the most popular, and beloved, tattoo designs is written in an elegant cursive font that is accompanied by the drawing of a feather. Your tattoo artist could create a delicate and classic script for the phrase. The feather, moreover, emphasizes how fragile life is. The “Just Breathe” tattoo imparts a powerful message that taking a step back once in a while and taking some downtime is important. In fact, this can be the perfect choice for those with a free-spirited nature.

Tattoo That Spotlights Mental Health

We all go through something or the other at some point, some more so than others. However, those who persevere through the struggles deserve to have their victories highlighted. An ink of support coupled with positive words of encouragement can have magnificent benefits, especially when we start to lose hope in ourselves.

Unique “Just Breathe” Symbol

Our journey is our own, and that means our tattoo should be personalized to our personality as well. A distinctive red ink tattoo that features a symbol indicating “breathe” can be a great choice for someone looking for a unique option. A clever design that incorporates the pause, repeat, and play symbols, demonstrating the flow and daily routine of life. But it also serves as a reminder to pause and breathe before moving forward.

What makes the “just breathe” tattoos such an incredible choice for ink is that they remind us that self-care is incredibly important even in the throes of a busy life.

Customized “Just Breathe” Tattoo

Those with a personal journey they want sketched on their skin can opt for a custom-designed “just breathe” tattoo. Alterations like black bold letters with a semi-colon for a “j”, splayed across the forearm could be an excellent look. The semicolon can signify pausing to breathe.

Just Breathe Tattoo for Men

If you want to make an impact on whoever sees your tattoo then consider getting a “just breathe” tattoo on your wrist or forearm. The color and font of the tattoo can be personalized to match your own style. Usually, black and grey colors are traditional choices among me. However, you can always use the color and style that matches your personality.

Scientific “Just Breathe” Tattoo for Men

Show off your love for science by adding a little science to your tattoo. By incorporating serotonin and dopamine molecules, the happy chemicals our body produces, we can add depth to our tattoos. This design gives you a positive outlook on life reminding you of how you are filling your body with happy chemicals when finally pause and just breathe.

Hindu Aum Just Breathe Tattoo

Many yogics use the Hindu Aum symbol in their medication and yoga practices. The symbol represents the human reality and the universe’s vastness. Often yoga practitioners chant the symbol while doing mindful breathing exercises and thus it can be incorporated into the “just breathe” tattoo. One of the best places to ink it is on your forearm.

“Just Breathe” Tattoo with EKG Symbol

The EKG symbol denotes the echocardiogram that is often done to check a patient’s heart health. a vibrant and echoing EKG signals proof of heartbeat, and so those suffering from anxiety can find their heartbeat becoming erratic. Adding an EKG symbol can be a good reminder to take care of one’s heart because we have only one life and we should cherish it as much as we can

Parting Words

Getting a tattoo is an incredible journey, especially the “just breathe” one. Make sure you make this journey your own, really think about the colors and style you go for. This is because the color, the style, and the design have a significant impact on our nervous system and how we follow a visual element’s message.

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Ayman Ali

Ayman Ali


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